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Tamiya R/C Lunchbox & Pumpkin Aftermarket Alloy Motor Mount


Our in-house precision engineers CNC machine this Motor Mount in our Dorset workshop

One of our Best Sellers!


These are the perfect quality accessory for your Tamiya Toy Model Truck

One of Tamiyas Classic creations, the boxy minivan R/C Lunchbox was first released in 1987 and has been loved ever since for it's R/C performance and attention-seeking Monster Truck wheels


Suitable for the Lunchbox and Pumpkin cars

This item is a direct replacement for the plastic mount supplied in the Tamiya kit

Engraved with the 'Miniature Manufacturing' brand

Draws heat away from the motor and is much quicker to fit
Part has quality threaded holes so no nuts are needed

This product is made in our South Coast (UK!) based workshop where we produce a wide variety of products for the automotive, marine, medical, metalworks and interior design industries. 


Tamiya Remote Control R/C Lunchbox & Pumpkin Aftermarket Alloy Motor Mount

£12.95 通常価格
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